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19 December 2010

'Tis the season

I’m back home in the south of England for Xmas, now. I’m sorry for my lack of updates over the last few weeks, but my life this month involved a foul-tasting stress cocktail of uni assignments, exams, Xmas shopping, birthdays and a very long and uncomfortable coach trip. Megabus is great except that other people insist on using it, too. And sitting next to me. And trying to talk to me. And breathing in my direction. Did I ever mention what a delightfully sociable person I am when I’m stressed?

As for birthdays, I saw my brother on Friday, but thought better of asking the poverty-stricken guy to cough up and donate the cash right out of his birthday cards. I had far better luck with a wonderful donation of £10 from my grandmother because she “knows how much I care about the Africans”. I do find the political incorrectness of the elderly hilarious sometimes. Fortunately, age is also synonymous with senility, so with any luck, she’ll soon forget that she’s already sponsored me :)

Another birthday of a friend of mine, and I raised a slightly less admirable 6 pence which has taught me not to try and canvass drunk people with a limited budget. Steph is making tremendous headway with her fundraising, managing to obtain a single sponsorship of over a hundred pounds from, she claims, her Mafia connections. This has put her ahead of me in the quest for donations, and I’m almost not bitter about it at all. Anywho, I can’t possibly be unhappy with this much snow everywhere. I don’t even care that everyone starts to moan about the icy roads the second the novelty wears off, I love it and hope it snows again on Xmas day.

His superpower? Impervious to ice cream headaches.

With this extra £10.06 and an online £3 sponsorship from an anonymous person (even though I know exactly who it was, and thanks), I’ve now raised £112.04. Thank you. If you want to sponsor me, you can click the Virgin thing in the sidebar, it’s 100% secure. If you’re interested in signing up to do the hitch yourself, you can click here, you only have until people start singing Auld Lang Syne to qualify for the discounted registration fee of £23.00, and from the 1st of January it’ll cost £28.00. Lastly, I’ve stuck in a new subscription option in the sidebar for those that don’t do RSS and would prefer to have updates emailed to them.

Merry Xmas to all!

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