I’ve made it to Hampshire, albeit later than expected. Megabus has never been the choice mode of transport for people that need to stick to a tight schedule. It would definitely have been quicker to hitchhike down to meet Aguet and Nat, if only the LCD rules didn’t explicitly forbid hitching on your own. My mother was here to greet me with the obligatory amount of love and then I slumped straight into bed for the night. My brother and Sej paid me a visit today, taking one last look at the endangered species. We rarely get together as a family anymore, so we also went to see my grandmother. Thanks to my mother and grandmother’s concern for my well being, my wallet now bulges with a hundred euros, which should last me the whole trip through France and Spain… which is nice.
This afternoon I headed over to the train station to pick up Aguet, who has been pretty cool and is getting on incredibly well with my family. It was a bit of a mad dash to get an extra tent before the camping shop closed once I’d texted and found that we would all three be sharing my two man tent, otherwise. I’m looking forward to meeting Nat when I collect her later this evening. Tomorrow could well be one of the strangest days of my life. We’re due to get up at 5 AM tomorrow morning to catch our ferry to Caen. After that, who knows?
This afternoon I headed over to the train station to pick up Aguet, who has been pretty cool and is getting on incredibly well with my family. It was a bit of a mad dash to get an extra tent before the camping shop closed once I’d texted and found that we would all three be sharing my two man tent, otherwise. I’m looking forward to meeting Nat when I collect her later this evening. Tomorrow could well be one of the strangest days of my life. We’re due to get up at 5 AM tomorrow morning to catch our ferry to Caen. After that, who knows?

I’ll be attempting to update this blog as much as possible while I’m travelling (hopefully daily, except fate normally hates me). I’ve added a new page to this website for those that want to keep track of me. A map with my current location, as well as any photos I manage to upload can be found by following the link at the top of the side bar, or alternatively by clicking here. Aguet, Nat and I can also be followed on the Official Hitch Tracking System TM. Lastly, remember to subscribe and donate any spare bank balances you may have.
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